The follow was excerpted from Section 7.3 in Chapter 5 of "Wholeness and the Implicate Order", a collection of David Bohm's essays:-
Every physical situation is[...]characterized by a wave function[...] This wave function is not directly related to the actual properties of an individual object, event, or process. Rather, it has to be thought of as a description of the potentialities within the physical situation. Different and generally mutually incompatible potentialities[...]are actualized in different experimental arrangements[...] In general, the wave function gives only a probability measure for the actualization of different potentialities in a statistical ensemble of similar observations carried out under a specified conditions, and cannot predict what will happen in detail in each individual observation[...] In quantum theory it has no meaning to discuss the actual state of a system apart from the whole set of experimental conditions which are essential to actualize this state.
And from Section 7.4 in Chapter 5:-
[...W]ave equation[...]is linear[...] Such linearity of equations[...]allows us to regard 'state vectors' as having a kind of autonomous existence[...] This complete autonomy of the 'quantum state' of a system is supposed to hold only when it is not being observed. In an observation, it is assumed that we have to do with two initially autonomous systems that have come into interaction. One of these is described by the 'state vector' of the observed object and the other by the 'state vector' of the observing apparatus.//In the consideration of this interaction, certain new features are introduced which correspond to allowing for the possibility of actualizing the observed system's potentialities at the expense of others that cannot be actualized at the same time.
What a succinct and faithful description of quantum theory!
As Schrödinger's cat illustrates, 'reduction of wave function' is, indeed, odd and incomprehensible. I previously had thought the so-called 'reduction of wave function' be merely a metaphor of 'the observer's getting known of the truth'. Surely, the Schrödinger's cat can only be either dead or alive at any time. Common sense tells that there is no dead-alive mixed state being a linear combination of the dead state and the alive state. It is only the knowledge of the observer that matters - the observer does not know the outcome (dead or alive) until the chamber containing the cat is opened. In this sense, 'wave function' is a representation of the observer's knowledge instead of a true physical entity of the observed. However, if wave function is 'knowledge', how can interference take place? I have no idea.
Apart from the Schrödinger's cat problem, I have been messed up most by quantum entanglement. Pursuant to the theory of relativity, the speed of light is ultimate that transmission of information cannot exceed. However, it was said that the instantaneous quantum entanglement had truly been observed in experiments.
Bohm put forth the notion of 'hidden variables' (something 'sub-quantum') and claimed that it could explain the essential features of quantum mechanics. Yet, how can the Schrödinger's cat problem be resolved? How can quantum entanglement be explained?
Bohm introduced the theory of holomovement:
[...A] total order is contained, in some implicit sense, in each region of space and time[...] Different pictures would look indistinguishable and yet have different implicate orders, which differences would be revealed when they were explicated[...] Generally speaking, the laws of physics have thus far referred mainly to the explicate order.
(excerpted from Section 3 in Chapter 6)
[...W]hat 'carries' an implicate order is the holomovement, which is an unbroken and undivided totality[...T]he holomovement is undefinable and immeasurable. (excerpted from Section 4 in Chapter 6)
With a multi-dimensional holomovement, quantum entanglement is well explained:
[...N]on-local, non-causal relationship of distant elements can be understood by regarding each of the 'particles' constituting a system as a projection of a 'higher-dimensional' reality, rather than as a separate particle, existing together with all the others in a common three-dimensional space. (excerpted from Section 4 in Chapter 7)
Bohm further enriched his theory by regarding the holomovement (which is primary, self-existent and universal) as 'life implicit', and "inanimate matter be a secondary, derivative, and particular abstraction from the holomovement":-
[...W]e do not fragment life and inanimate matter, nor do we try to reduce the former completely to nothing but an outcome of the latter. (excerpted from Section 6 in Chapter 7)
Is it talking about life and inanimate matter be different projections of a multi-dimensional being in the holomovement? Should we take that Schrödinger's cat be actually "alive-and-dead": whether it is "alive" or "dead" in our ordinary sense merely depends on what projection would be captured in that particular instance of holomovement when the observation is made?
Perhaps we should even not be surprised if we see Schrödinger's cat had become Pavlov's dog after the chamber is opened. They are merely different projections of a superdimensional being, right?
The lesson that I have learnt from this book is that: When you are introduced with something said to be "undefinable and immeasurable",