埋首於書堆中的駝鳥 ── 2009 篇
- 《喜寶》亦舒
- 《不被觀察的月亮存在嗎? ── 何宇澄文集》
- 《吶喊》魯迅
- 《打錯了》劉以鬯
- 《紅樓小講》周汝昌
- 《散論紅樓夢》
- 〈「紅樓夢」欣賞一隅〉周汝昌
- 〈論「紅樓夢」的語言藝術〉王永
- 〈「紅樓夢」的寫景和塑造人物〉許長
- 〈談「紅樓夢」中的細節描寫〉覺堣
- 〈睛雯的性格〉劉大杰
- 〈曹雪芹筆下的黛玉和寶釵〉蘭心
- 《史威德作品集[4] ── 一脈相承》史威德
- 《香港商戰風雲錄﹝一﹞》藍潮
- 《翹首振翅 ── 香港飛機師手記﹝三﹞》
- 《企管眉批》方卓如
- 《易容財技》方卓如
- 《跟紅頂白》方卓如
- 《日本文具設計大揭密》
- 《分析方卓如》方卓如
- 《金融海嘯.我學到的十件事》蔡東豪
- 《醬缸震蕩 ── 再論丑陋的中國人》柏楊
- 『きまぐれロボット』星新一
- 『風の歌を聴け』村上春樹
- 《日本語能力測試 2 級語法解析》
- 《日檢破解王 2 級讀解出題關鍵》
- 『すぐに使える実践日本語シリーズ 接続詞(初.中.上級)』
- Six Thinking Hats, Edward De Bono
- Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell
- The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Malcolm Gladwell
- Blink: The power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell
- The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More, Chris Anderson
- What the Dog Saw and othr adventures, Malcolm Gladwell
- Blowing Up: How Nassim Taleb Turned the Inevitability of Disaster into an Investment Strategy
- Open Secrets: Enron, Intelligence, and the Perils of Too Much Information
- The Picture Problem: Mammography, Air Power, and The Limits of Looking
- Connecting the Dots: The Paradoxes of Intelligence Reform
- Blowup: Who Can Be Blamed for a Disaster like the Challenger Explosion? No One, and We'd Better Get Used to It
- Late Bloomers: Why Do We Equate Genius with Precocity?
- The Talent Myth: Are Smart People Overrated?
- The New-Boy Network: What Do Job Interviews Really Tell Us?