埋首於書堆中的駝鳥 ── 2011 篇
- 《玩回底片機》藤田一咲﹝許明煌 譯﹞
- 《愛上老相機》老查
- 《投資導航﹝上卷﹞── 觀勢指標篇》信報研究部
- 《投資導航﹝下卷﹞── 選股實戰篇》信報研究部
- 《鑒股知金 ── 環球經勢啟示錄》羅耕
- 《1Q84 〈10月-12月〉》村上春树﹝施小炜 译﹞
- 《勢事循環 ── 市場周期與投資智慧》羅家聰
- 《時移勢易 ── 迎戰多底衰退大時代》羅家聰
- 《鍍金中國 ── 大國雄起的虛與實》許知遠
- 《玩味經典相機》藤田一咲﹝許郁文 譯﹞
- 《翹首振翅 ── 香港飛機師手記 I 》
- 《翹首振翅 ── 香港飛機師手記 II 》
- 《雲圖鑑》田中達也﹝黃郁婷 譯﹞
- 《香港四代人》呂大樂
- 《停車暫借問》鍾曉陽
- 《哲人哲語》陳永明
- 《挪威的森林》村上春樹﹝林少華 譯﹞﹝重閱﹞
- 《挪威沒有森林》福原愛姬﹝若彤 譯﹞﹝重閱﹞
- The Oil Factor: Protect Yourself and Profit from the Coming Energy Crisis, Stephen Leeb & Donna Leeb
- The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Karl Popper
- Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?, Michael Sandel
- When Corporations Rule the World, David Korten
- The Met Office Pocket Cloud Book, Richard Hamblyn
- The Cloud Collector's Handbook, Gavin Pretor-Pinney
- The Golden Ratio, Mario Livio
- Nature's Patterns: A Tapestry in Three Parts: Flow, Philip Ball
- Nature's Patterns: A Tapestry in Three Parts: Branches, Philip Ball
- Nature's Patterns: A Tapestry in Three Parts: Shapes, Philip Ball
- Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction, David Miller
- The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less, Barry Schwartz
- Neoliberalism: A Very Short Introduction, Manfred Steger & Ravi Roy