
PolyU Innovation Tower Close to Completion

The 76-metre high Innovation Tower of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University was designed by Zaha Hadid, an Iraqi-British architect who, in 2004, became the first female winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize
"The fluid character of the Innovation Tower is generated through an intrinsic composition of its landscape, floor plates and louvers that dissolves the classic typology of the tower and the podium into an iconic seamless piece. These fluid internal and external courtyards create new public spaces of an intimate scale which complement the large open exhibition forums and outdoor recreational facilities to promote a diversity of civic spaces."
── Zaha Hadid



雲裳集 ── 火燒雲

今天的晚霞燒得很紅,是熱帶氣旋迫近時的傳統模樣。經已十一月,仍有熱帶氣旋迫近香港實屬少見,還要是颱風的級數,現在風眼位於香港東南偏南 280 公里。天文台預期該颱風會在今晚至明日早上於香港南面 250 至 300 公里處掠過。
