

現時香港法例﹝The Laws of Hong Kong﹞已沒有 1903 年維多利亞市界線條例,但釋義及通則條例﹝Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance﹞的附表1﹝Schedule 1﹞,仍載有維多利亞市界線的定義,且於 1998 年才作過修訂﹝英語原文照錄如下﹞:

On the north - The Harbour;

On the west - A line running due north and south drawn through the north-west angle of Inland Lot No. 1299 and extending southwards a distance of 850 feet from the aforesaid angle;

On the south - A line running due east from the southern extremity of the western boundary until it meets a contour in the vicinity of the Hill above Belchers 700 feet above principal datum, that is to say, a level 17.833 feet below the bench-mark known as "Rifleman's Bolt", the highest point of a copper bolt set horizontally in the east wall of the Royal Navy Office and Mess Block Naval Dockyard, and thence following the said contour until it meets the eastern boundary;

On the east - A line following the west side of the Government Pier, Bay View and thence along the west side of Hing Fat Street, then along the north side of Causeway Road to Moreton Terrace. Thence along the west side of Moreton Terrace to the south-east corner of Inland Lot No. 1580 and produced in a straight line for 80 feet, and thence along the north side of Cotton Path and produced until it meets the west side of Wong Nei Chong Road on the east side of Wong Nei Chong Valley and thence to the south-east angle of Inland Lot No. 1364, produced until it meets the southern boundary.

將之與 1903 年的版本作一比較,可見兩者予東、南兩界的定義,不單在字面上大相徑庭, 1998 年的版本所述的東界,還包括「政府碼頭西邊,興發街西邊,高士威道北邊至摩頓台」﹝在上文以粗字示之﹞,似乎這一段界線在 1903 年的版本是沒有的。

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從土地註冊處 1977 及 1987 年版的【港島、九龍及新九龍的街道、樓宇門牌號數和地段索引】找到以下資料:

  • 內地段 1580 號﹝Inland Lot No.1580﹞為摩頓臺 1、2、3、7、9 號,銅鑼灣道 19-41 號及信德街 19-21 號間的地方。